VW Piezometers
Oven Laboratorium
15/03/2017Water Level Indicator
Nama Model : Water Level Indicator
Merek : Slope Indicator – USA
Aplikasi :
Perangkat ini digunakan untuk mengukur ketinggian air pada pipa tegak atau sumur pantau.
Prinsip Penggunaan
Perangkat Indikator terdiri dari probe, kabel dengan gradasi bertanda laser, dan gulungan kabel. Hub gulungan kabel berisi baterai, elektronik, lampu LED terang, dan pager.
Operator menurunkan probe ke dalam pipa tegak atau sumur. Ketika probe menyentuh permukaan air, LED menyala dan pager berbunyi. Operator kemudian membaca pengukuran kedalaman ke air dari gradasi pada kabel.
Indicator Controls :
- Sensitivity control provides consistent results in different well and water conditions.
- LED and Beeper provide a positive indication of contact with water.
- Test Button checks the batteries, beeper, and LED.
- Battery Cover provides easy access to two AA batteries. Low power circuits provide excellent battery life.
Advantages :
- Convenient Cable is easy to handle and winds up neatly on the reel. Steel conductors provide strength and excellent dimensional stability.
- Laser-Marked Graduations are as durable as the cable itself. English unit cables have 0.01 foot graduations. Metric-unit cables have 2 mm marks.
- Sturdy Reel is built for years of daily use. It features bronze bearings and aluminum plate sides.
- Small Diameter Probe (9.5 mm – 3/8″) easily fits into most standpipes and wells. Weight can be attached to the probe tip.
Catatan : Dalam permintaan penawaran mohon di tentukan untuk panjang Kabel/kedalaman lubang bor/pengamatan.
Informasi Produk :
Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 0818 0816 0634 (WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com
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