Digitilt AT Inclinometer System for landslide
Water Level Indicator
15/03/2017VW Piezometers
VW Piezometer
Brand : Slope Indicator – USA
Kode Barang : 52611030
Typical applications for the VW piezometer are:
- Monitoring pore water pressures to determine safe rates of fill or excavation.
- Monitoring pore water pressures to determine slope stability.
- Monitoring the effects of dewatering systems used for excavations.
- Monitoring the effects of ground improvement systems such as vertical drains and sand drains.
- Monitoring pore pressures to check the performance of earth fill dams and embankments.
- Monitoring pore pressures to check containment systems at land fills and tailings dams.
The VW piezometer converts water pressure to a frequency signal via a diaphragm, a tensioned steel wire, and an electromagnetic coil. The piezometer is designed so that a change in pressure on the diaphragm causes a change in tension of the wire. When excited by the electromagnetic coil, the wire vibrates at its natural frequency. The vibration of the wire in the proximity of the coil generates a frequency signal that is transmitted to the readout device. The readout device processes the signal, applies calibration factors, and displays a reading in the required engineering unit.
Advantages of Vibrating Wire Piezometers
High Resolution: VW piezometers provide a resolution of 0.025% of full scale.
High Accuracy: Slope Indicator’s automated, precision calibration system ensures that all VW piezometers meet or exceed their accuracy specifications.
Groutable: The VW piezometer can be directly grouted-in with a bentonite-cement grout. More information about the direct grout-in method can be found in the VW piezometer manual and in a technical note.
Rapid Response: VW piezometers offer rapid response to changes in pore water pressure, whether they are grouted in, pushed into cohesive soils, or embedded in a sand filter zone.
Reliable Signal Transmission: With properly shielded cable, signals from the VW piezometer can be transmitted long distances.
Temperature Measurement: All VW piezometers are equipped with a temperature sensor.
Kode Barang :
3.5 bar (50 psi) Piezometer . . . . . .52611020
7 bar (100 psi) Piezometer . . . . . .52611030
17 bar (250 psi) Piezometer . . . . .52611040
35 bar (500 psi) Piezometer . . . . .52611050
Signal Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50613524
The standard VW piezometer is suitable for most
applications. The piezometer can be installed
without a sand filter when the borehole is backfilled
with bentonite-cement grout.
Standard VW Piezometers, 3.5 bar (50 psi)
with 15 m (50′) cable . . . . . . . . . .52611028
with 30 m (100′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611024
with 45 m (150′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611027
with 60 m (200′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611026
Standard VW Piezometers, 7 bar (100 psi)
with 30 m (100′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611033
with 45 m (150′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611034
with 60 m (200′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611035
with 90 m (300′) cable . . . . . . . . .52611036
3.5 bar (50 psi) Piezometer . . . . . .52610520
7 bar (100 psi) Piezometer . . . . . .52610530
17 bar (250 psi) Piezometer . . . . .52610540
35 bar (500 psi) Piezometer . . . . .52610550
Signal Cable, Armored . . . . . . . . .50613586
This piezometer features a strong double wall
housing and is normally supplied with armored
signal cable.
Catatan : Dalam permintaan penawaran mohon di tentukan untuk panjang Kabel/kedalaman lubang bor/pengamatan.
Price : Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 0818 0816 0634(WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com
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