Oven Uji TFOT – Pengujian kehilangan berat minyak dan aspal
Binocular Biological Microscope E100
17/04/2017Standpipe Piezometer
Applications :
Standpipe piezometers are used to monitor piezometric water levels. Water level readings are typically obtained with a water level indicator. Typical applications include:
- Monitoring pore-water pressure to determine slope stability.
- Monitoring seepage and ground water movement.
The standpipe piezometer, which consists of a filter tip and a riser pipe, is installed in a borehole. The zone around the filter tip is backfilled with sand and a bentonite seal is place above that to isolate the intake zone. The remainder of the borehole is backfilled with bentonite-cement grout. Pore water flows into the standpipe until a pressure equilibrium is reached. The water level in the pipe then represents the pore-water pressure in the soil around the intake zone. Readings are taken with a water level indicator.
- Economical components.
- Simple to read.
- Very good long-term reliability.
Specifications :
– Reel Diameter: 230, ( 9″).
– Batteries: Two 1.5 v alkaline AA cells.
– Probe Size: 10 x 170 mm ( 3/8″ x 6.6″ ).
Catatan : Dalam permintaan penawaran mohon di tentukan untuk panjang Kabel/kedalaman lubang bor/pengamatan.
Info/CP :
Yudhistira, ST
Mobile : 08111886845
email : naysite2@gmail.com
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