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16/02/2021Emulsified asphalt distillation apparatus 81-B0153
Emulsified asphalt distillation apparatus
Brand/Supplied From : Controls – Italia
Standard : ASTM D244, AASHTO T59(padanan SNI 03-3641-1994), EN 1431, ASTM D6997
Kode Barang : 81-B0153
ASTM D244 : 1.1 These test methods and practices, given under the headings titled Composition, Consistency, Stability, and Examination of Residue, cover the examination of asphalt emulsions composed principally of a semisolid or liquid asphaltic base, water, and an emulsifying agent.
Gneral Descriptions:
Used to examine the asphalt emulsions composed principally of a semi-solid or liquid asphaltic base, water and an emulsified agent. The apparatus consists of an aluminium-alloy still with ring burner, a glass connecting tube with water-cooled condenser, a graduated cylinder 100 ml cap, support stands, holders and two thermometers range -2 to 300°C.
- Weight approx.: 9 kg
Ordering Info :
81-B0153 Emulsified asphalt distillation apparatus
Info/Price :
Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 08180816 0634(WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com
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