Creep test 55-C0235/A
Creep test
Merk/Di suplai dari : Controls – Italy
Kode Barang :55-C0235/A
Standard : ASTM C512(Setara dengan SNI 03-4812-1998)
This test is performed for measuring the shrinkage of cylindrical specimens under constant loads at different time intervals. The apparatus consists of a load frame designed to apply and maintain the required load on the specimen. The initial compression is applied by a portable hydraulic jack. The load maintaining element is a series of springs preloaded by the hydraulic jack.
Technical Specifications
- Maximum load: 300 kN
- Vertical testing space: 1650 mm
- Compression platens: 165 mm diameter. The upper platen is spherically seated.
- Hydraulic jack: 300 kN capacity
- Hand pump with precision Bourdon gauge 200 mm diameter
- Bourdon gauge 200 mm diameter permanently connected
- Frame dimensions: 450 mm diameter x 2680 mm height
- Weight: 300 kg (approx.)
SNI 03-4812-1998 : Metode ini digunakan dalam menentukan nilai kuat tarik beton untuk keperluan perencanaan komponen struktur berdasarkan penampang benda uji berdiameter 150 mm.
Info/Price : Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 08180816 0634(WA)
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