Universal Testing Machine for Asphalt
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer 16-T0012/D
15/06/2017Aksesoris pada Uji Superpave pada UTM, AMPTPro, dan Dynapave.
Brand : IPC(Australia)/ControlsGroup – Italy
Pendahuluan :
Dalam melakukan uji superpave ternyata banyak parameter yang bisa diuji, kami IPC menyediakan aksesosris(pelengkap) yang dapat di pasangkan pada sistem di UTM, AMPT Pro, atau dynapave untuk melakukan metode – metode seputar percobaan pada metode superpave.
aksesori aksesoris tersebut tidak di supplai seluruhnya pada saat ada permintaan mengenai mesin, karena biasanya aksesoris di pesan hanya sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh para peneliti.
Adapun aksesoris tersebut antara lain :
Indirect tensile test for UTM, AST Pro, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro and DynaQube
Standard yang digunakan : ASTM D4123 | EN 12697-26C | AASHTO TP31 | BS DD 213 | AASHTO T322 | ASTM D7369 | AS 2891.13.1 | AASHTO TP9 | NCHRP 1-28A Appendix 1 | EN 12697-24 Annex E
kode barang :
Indirect tensile jig base and platen assembly for 100 and 150 mm specimen sizes to AASHTO TP31, AS 2891.13.1, ASTM D4123, BS DD 213, EN 12697-26C, AASTHO T322/TP9, ASTM D7369/NCHRP1-28A Appendix 1 and EN 12697-24 E for UTM systems, AST Pro and AsphaltQube.
79-PV 71400
Multi-Indirect tensile test jig to ASTM D7369 and NCHRP 1-28A Appendix 1 for AMPT Pro and DynaQube
Triaxial test – Universal and Automatic triaxial cell for UTM, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
Standard yang digunakan : AASHTO TP46 | AASHTO T307 | NCHRP 9-29 | AASHTO TP79 | AASHTO T342 (ex TP62) | EN 12697 – 25B
Main Features :
Universal triaxial cell
- Incorporated low friction linear (Thompson) ball bushing on loading shaft to keep fiction to a minimum
- Limited acrylic (see through) area for greater safety
- Facilitates 2 LVDTs and mounting brackets for precise direct shaft position measurement
- Fitted with pressure relief valve for greater safety
- Facilitates external axial strain transducer mounting system
- Facilitates up to three “through the wall” radial strain transducers
- Facilitates internal temperature measurement
- Facilitates three internal transducers with Lemo “feed-through” connectors as standard and has provision of up to five electrical “feed-through” connectors
- Provision of anchor points for the bottom platen and triaxial cell, to facilitate direct tension testing
- Geotechnical version available with pore and back pressure ports
- Versatile, user friendly and accurate device for triaxial confinement of the specimen
- Suitable for asphalt, soils and unbound granular materials
Automatic triaxial cell
- Automatic pneumatically operated lift cylinders that raise and lower the cell wall
- Fitted with pressure relief valve for greater safety
- Crystal clear heavy duty acrylic cell wall for maximum visibility of specimen
- Low friction loading shaft
- Capable of operating between -15° to +60° C
- Provision for pressure and temperature transducers
- Provision for up to three (internal) on specimen transducers
- Cell pressure up to 275 kPa
- Versatile, user friendly and accurate device for lateral confinement of the specimen
- Suitable for asphalt, soils and unbound granular materials
Triaxial cell to be used only with AST Pro, in compliant with EN 12697-25B, is available.
- Dynamic Modulus Test for UTM, AST Pro, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro and DynaQube (paling banyak digunakan)
Standard yang digunakan : NCHRP 9-29 | AASHTO TP79 | AASHTO T342 (ex TP62)
Fitur :
- Dynamic Modulus E, Flow Time and Flow Number Tests: Input parameter for AASHTO “Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide” and property to create master curves for structural design
- Values measures over a range of temperatures and frequencies that can be imported into a master curve for characterizing asphalt concrete for pavement design and performance analysis
- The value of dynamic modulus and phase angle can also be used as performance criteria for asphalt mixture design
- Small Diameter (38 and 50 mm) Dynamic Modulus E: allows researchers to perform Dynamic Modulus E tests on 38 and 50 mm diameter specimen, usable also for forensics analysis
- Gauge Point fixing jig makes it quick and eary to accurately fix gauge points for on-specimen transducers. It comes with “built-in” vacuum generator and handy membrane stretcher (only for AMPT Pro and DynaQube)
Four Point Bend Test for UTM, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
Standard yang digunakan : AASHTO T321 | EN 12697-26 Annex D | ASTM D7460 | AG:PT/T233 | AG:PT/T274 | AS 03:2000 | EN 12697-24 C
Main Features :
- Innovative “floating straight-edge” on specimen transducer displacement measurement eliminates errors
- Optional fixed point strain measurement referring from outer pivots
- Designed to subject an asphalt specimen to four point bending with backlash free rotation and horizontal translation of all load and reaction points
- Sinusoidal or haversine controlled strain or controlled stress loading
- Controlled force, motorized specimen clamping
- Loading frequency up to 60 Hz
- Non-linear regression data fitting ensures reliable determination of phase and modulus
- Can be used with existing UTM systems
- Cost effective solution for high volume testing
- Specimen laterally positioned by hand using etched lines as visual guide for two specimen sizes, nominally 50 and 63.5 mm in width
- Vertical clamping of the specimen is achieved by servo-motor driven ball screws, which are operated continuously during the test to take up the compliance of the specimen at the clamping surfaces
Juga tersedia untuk Aksesoris uji four bending test untuk sampel yang lebih besar
- Semi-Circular Bend (SCB Test) for UTM, AST Pro, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro, DynaQube
Main Features :
- Precision engineered
- Easily extends the capability of your UTM, AMPT Pro, DynaQube, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
- Designed specifically for asphalt specimen sizes of 150 mm diameter
- Self-aligning top platen for SCB
- Constructed using high quality materials for long life and test accuracy
- Constructed using high quality materials
- AASHTO TP124 Semi-Circular Bend Kit is precision engineered to accurately determine the fracture energy and post peak slope of asphalt mixtures using semi-circular specimens in the Flexibility Index Test (FIT) conducted at an intermediate test temperature.
- ASTM D8044 Semi-Circular Bend Kit is precision engineered to accurately determine the cracking resistance at Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database intermediate temperatures using semi-circular bend asphalt mix samples tested monotonically.
- AASHTO TP105 is precision engineered to accurately determine the fracture energy of asphalt mixtures using the semi-circular bend geometry (SCB).
- EN 12697-44 Kit is precision engineered to accurately determine crack propagation by semi-circular bending test.
Overlay Test for UTM, AST Pro, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro and DynaQube
Main Features :
- Increases the functionality of UTM systems, AMPT Pro, DynaQube, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
- Advanced design for high stiffness and extremely low compliance
- High precision linear guides to ensure perfect axial loading alignment and no lateral rotation
- IPC Global’s UTS software allows a quick and easy set-up and running of test
- Overlay test investigates properties required for predicting both crack propagation and crack initiation
- Available with on-jig and on-specimen transducers
- Specimen preparation kit allows for quick and easy gluing and set-up
- Overlay Test Specimen Preparation Kit incorporates specially designed gluing jig base plates, straight edge and sample templates, allowing accurate sample cutting, easy alignment and gluing onto the test platens (only for AMPT Pro and DynaQube)
Cyclic and Permanent Deformation Compression Test for UTM Machines
Standard yang digunakan : AS 2891.12.1 | EN 12697-25 Method A | BS 598:111
Features :
- Precision engineered, designed to meet the requirements of a range of testing standards.
- Easy to set-up and versatile in the use
- Integrated LVDT holders
- Constructed using stainless and nitrite hardened steel
Disk-shaped Compaction Tension Test for UTM Machines
Standard yang digunakan : ASTM D7313
Main Features :
- Increases the functionality of Universal Testing Machines
- Precision engineered using zinc plated steel for light weight and anti-corrosion properties
- Designed for easy, one person set-up
- Purposely designed for 150 mm disk shaped specimens
- Easily interchange specimens
– TSRST and UTSST Test for UTM Machines
Standard yang digunakan : EN 12697-26 Annex A | EN 12697-24 Annex A
Main Features :
- Self-aligning couplings for true axial alignment
- 25 kN capacity
- Specimen platens 150 mm dia., 50 mm thickness
- Invar rods provide low thermal contraction for accurate displacement measurement over the full temperature gradient
- Optional specimen alignment stand
- Threaded rods to safely support specimen and fixture after fracture
Trapezoidal Two Point Bend Test for UTM, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
Standard yang digunakan : EN 12697-26 Annex A | EN 12697-24 Annex A
Main Features :
- Increases the functionality of Universal Testing Machines, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
- Engineered from high strength aluminum for high stiffness and light weight performance
- On-specimen precision LVDT displacement transducer for strain measurements
- Comes standard with precision +/- 2.5 kN load cell for improved clarity and accuracy in your results (only for UTM systems)
- 25 mm and 50 mm specimen tips available for different trapezoidal specimen sizes
- Designed for easy test set-up
- Easily interchange specimens
Uniaxial Fatigue (S-VECD) Test for UTM, AST Pro, AsphaltQube, AMPT Pro and DynaQube
Standard yang digunakan : EN 12697-26 Annex D | AASHTO TP107/S-VECD | EN 12697-26 E
Main Features :
- Increases the functionality of UTM Systems, AMPT Pro, DynaQube, AST Pro and AsphaltQube
- Easy to implement on existing equipment
- Provided with specialized UTS tension test software
- Optional glue jig ensures accurate alignment of top and bottom platens
- With the addition of an optional hardware enables uniaxial fatigue tests on asphalt cylinders
- Allows to perform tension tests including the Simplified Continuum Damage Uniaxial Fatigue (SCDUF) test and Dr. Richard Kim’s Simplified Viscoelastic Continuum Damage (S-VECD) test
- Small Diameter kit also available, allows researchers to perform S-VECD tests on 75 & 50 mm diameter
- Temsion Platen fixing jig ensures accurate perpendicularity of specimens and parallel placement of platens (only for AMPT Pro and DynaQube)
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email : naysite2@gmail.com
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