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Laboratory crusher – Jaw Crusher
18/05/2017Adiabatic concrete calorimeter
Adiabatic concrete calorimeter
Brand/Supplied From : Controls – Italy
Model : 78 – PV31A16
Standard : EN 12350-7, ASTM C231, AASHTO T152
ASTM C231 [This test method covers determination of the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with a change in pressure.]
Main Features :
- Real time measurement of heat of hydration of 150mm concrete cube during hardening
- Reliable evaluation of the heating process inside massive concrete castings
- Calorimeter cell with minimized heat loss from the concrete sample for true adiabatic conditions
- Evaluation of the heat of hydration taking into consideration the temperature reached by the concrete
This effect is encountered particularly in massive concrete castings, due to the limited heat dispersion, leading the behaviour closer to adiabatic conditions.
The isothermal and semi-adiabatic testing methods are consequently less representative and most commonly used for mortars and cement pastes, basically to compare the behaviour of different types of cements.
The adiabatic method is the only method allowing correct evaluation of the heating process inside massive concrete works.
CONTROLS is the only testing equipment manufacturer who developed in the late 80s, in partnership with the main research laboratories, the first industrial adiabatic concrete calorimeter, so far having been limited to few prototypes in reasearch centers.
Nowadays the equipment has been completely renewed with the latest technologies, including new electronics and PC software, ensuring high testing accuracy.
– Platinum PT 100 having 0.01°C resolution and 0.1°C accuracy
– Adiabatism error: less than 0.05°C/h
– PC connection via LAN cable
– Internal SD memory for test data backup in case of temporary loss of communication with PC
– PC software for acquisition, elaboration and printout of test data including:
- concrete temperature vs time graph
- cell temperature vs time graph
- intrinsic of temperature rise
- cumulative heat development
Ordering Info :
Computerized concrete calorimeter for the determination of the heat of hydration to EN 12390-15.
Comprehends: calorimeter cell with enclosure, temperature sensors, conditioning system, PID closed loop control system, PC software (PC not included).
110-230V, 50-60HZ, 1Ph.
Accessories :
High specifications desktop PC with LCD monitor. Operating system: MS Windows pre-installed. Top brand model fully covered by international warranty and serviced by global after sales network. 110-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 1 Ph
Spare 150mm polystyrene cubic mould
Price : Call For Info
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 0818 0816 0634(WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com;
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