Relative Density of Cohesionless Soil Test Sets
Methilene Blue Test Set
17/03/2022Mesin Uji Tekan Beton 2000 – 5000kN Unggulan – Rekomendasi untuk penelitian
Mesin Uji Tekan Beton 2000 – 5000kN Unggulan – Rekomendasi untuk penelitian
Merk/Di suplai dari : Controls – Italy
Kode Barang : 50-C46F02/M, 50-C56F02/M, 50-C68F02/M, 50-C78F02/M
Standard : EN 12390-4, EN 12390-13
Main Features :
– AUTOMAX PRO-M adalah mesin kompresi/Uji Tekan terbaik keluaran CONTROLS-Italy yang baru dan merupakan pilihan pertama untuk uji Tekan dengan standar otomatis serta pengujian sifat mekanik beton tingkat lanjut.
– Pada Varian ini Peningkatan besar terdapat dalam efisiensi dan penghapusan kesalahan yang mungkin bisa terjadi: dengan LinK-LAB – pengujian terintegrasi untuk koneksi tanpa batas dan input data dari banyak perangkat tambahan untuk pengukuran dimensi, berat, kode batang, dll.
– Sepenuhnya otomatis – hemat waktu: Otomatisasi siklus pengujian penuh memaksimalkan produktivitas dan memastikan pengujian dilakukan secara akurat sesuai dengan metode yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, menghilangkan variabel operator.
– Sangat akurat dan hemat energi: Teknologi motor DC kami secara diam-diam dan efisien memberikan kontrol beban yang sangat akurat baik pada kecepatan rendah maupun beban rendah.
– Pengoperasian yang intuitif, cepat, dan sederhana: Sistem kontrol terintegrasi menampilkan tampilan grafis berwarna 7” yang intuitif, yang berfungsi seperti tablet atau ponsel pintar, dan membuat AUTOMAX PRO-M cepat dan mudah dioperasikan.
– Memenuhi standar : Performa otomatis tes Modulus Elastis sesuai dengan Standar Internasional utama dengan perhitungan otomatis hasil tes.
– Lanjutan: Memungkinkan pelaksanaan pengujian yang dikontrol perpindahan pada balok, balok berlekuk, pelat bulat atau persegi
Pengujian rebar yang mudah: cukup pasang rangka tarik yang berdiri sendiri dan lakukan pengujian rebar serta semua uji kompresi.
Spesifikasi Teknis
- DC motor, 720W, 50-60Hz
- Maximum working pressure 700 bar
- Load/unload electrovalve for test execution via display/PC and automatic stop at specimen failure
- Active control of up to 4 frames by selection via display/PC (third and fourth frame as option). See accessories.
- ES Energy Saving technology to reduce the power consumption and enable silent operation
- Flow-sharing technology to perform loading and unloading cycles at controlled rate
- 524,000 points high-resolution/stability analog channels
- 6 channels to be factory configured:
- 2 channels for load sensors
- 2 channels for load or displacement/strain sensor
- 2 channels for displacement/strain sensors
- Control frequency 250 Hz
- Sampling frequency 250 Hz
- 7”, 800 x 480 pixel, 16 M colors, icon-driven capacitive sensing touchscreen graphic display
- Unlimited storage capacity for test data on internal 16 GB SD card
- USB port for test data storage on external USB memory stick and for firmware upgrade
- Ethernet port for PC / Internet /network communication
- Optional integrated graphic printer including Load-Time plot (for standard failure tests)
- RS 232 port for data downloading in ASCII format
- Execution of compression, flexure, indirect tensile, ACV tests, Elastic Modulus, Poisson Ratio Determination plus Displacement-controlled tests (with 50-FW/DC) and tensile tests (with 50-FW/UTS) in automatic mode with test speed controlled by a closed-loop PID system.
- Simultaneous display of:
- load, stress, actual load rate, load / time graph in standard failure test
- load, stress, strain, stress / strain graph in Elastic Modulus and Poisson ratio tests
- load, displacement, stress / displacement in displacement controlled tests (with 50-FW/DC)
- load, stress, displacement and % elongation (crossbeam), displacement and % elongation (extensometer, if connected), stress/%elongation graph in tensile tests (with 50-FW/UTS)
- Saving of the specimen failure type (to EN or ASTM) in concrete compressiont tests results
- Automatic performance of Elastic Modulus tests according to the main International Standards with automatic calculation of tests results
- Execution (with 50-SW/DC) of displacement controlled tests on beams, notched beams, round or square slabs
- Execution (with 50-FW/UTS) of automatic tensile tests with:
- Control up to yield by:
* Stress (method B to EN 6892-1)
* Strain by using extensometer (method A1 to EN 6892-1)
* Strain by using crosshead (method A2 to EN 6892-1) - Control after yield by grips’ separation
- elaboration of tension test results: ReH, ReL, Rp, final elongation, etc. conforming to EN ISO 6892-1 and EN 15630-1
- Control up to yield by:
- Download data to internal printer (optional) or to PC via RS 232 port or to USB memory stick
- PC / network communication via Ethernet
- Multi-coefficient linearization of the calibration curve for better accuracy at low loads thus avoiding the use of a second pressure transducer
- Recording facility for up to 9 test profiles for each channel including: type of test (e.g. compression, flexural, splitting, elastic modulus, displacement control, tension), specimen size and shape, test speed and other general information. Each one of the recorded test profiles can be recalled automatically to save time.
- Improved PID algorithm and multi PID selection. Up to three different PID settings can be tuned for each channel for a variety of materials (e.g. cylinder with neoprene pads, low strength specimens) and test methods (e.g ACV, flexure, elastic modulus, displacement control)
- Compatible with the newly released DATAMANAGER software, E-Module, D-Control and UTS software packages, tailored for construction material testing laboratories, for remote control, real-time data acquisition and results calculation.
- Peripheral devices integration with Link-LAB
- Automatic load measurement verification procedure, by connecting suitable load cells and our digital readout unit to PC
- Language selection (including Cyrillic and Chinese)
- Unit selection (kN, ton, lbf)
- USB port for firmware upgrade and safe backup of the original configuration data (PID, calibration, etc.), in case of loss and/or data corruption. The restore of the machine to the factory settings is easy avoiding the need of any technical support.
Model 50- | C46F02/M C46F04/M |
C56F02/M C56F04/M |
C68F02/M C68F04/M |
C78F02/M C78F04/M |
Capacity kN | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 |
Max vertical daylight , mm* |
350 | 350 | 520 | 520 |
Horizontal daylight mm |
350 | 370 | 425 | 425 |
Max. piston travel*, mm | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Platen dimensions | 300 mm dia. | 300 mm dia. | 305×305 mm | 305×305 mm |
Platen surface hardness | 55.5 HRC (600 HV) | 55.5 HRC (600 HV) | 55.5 HRC (600 HV) | 55.5 HRC (600 HV) |
Platens flatness toll. | 0.03 mm | 0.03 mm | 0.03 mm | 0.03 mm |
Overall dimensions, mm | 930x420x1530 | 1020x475x1550 | 1125x570x1555 | 1250x570x1555 |
Weight approx., kg | 740 | 1105 | 2010 | 2010 |
*Use distance pieces conforming to the specimen size to avoid piston overtravel
Info/Price : Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 08180816 0634(WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com
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