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Rock shear box apparatus 45-D0548/D
21/08/2018Mesin Uji Aspal – Modular Servo Hydraulic Asphalt Tester AST Pro
Modular Servo Hydraulic Asphalt Tester AST Pro
Brand : IPC Global/ControlsGroup – Italy
Kode Barang : 79-PV72A12
Fitur Utama Mesin :
- Menggunakan teknologi baru dengan revolusi aktuator E-Mech Servo-electromechanical.
- Mudah dan range penggunaan yang luas dengan sistem yang sudah terintegrasi, dilengkapi dengan Aktuator Labirin Hidrolik dengan kapasitas 19 kN.
- Menggunakan ruang pengujian yang sudah ditingkatkan untuk penggunaan range temperatur yang luas, cepat, dan pengaturan yang akurat
- Mudah digunakan dan ergonomis
- Menghasilkan data yang lengkap dengan bantuan “Multi Axis Control System (IMACS)” yang terintegrasi
- Fully integrated and very compact in design, a perfect solution for both static and mobile testing facilities
- Optional air compressor that comes integrated in the machine
- All-in-one touchscreen PC (optional)
E-Mech technology’s main benefits:
- Improved dynamic performance over servo-pneumatics
- Stand-alone with no need of compressed air supply
- Lower maintenance
- Robust and durable giving a more resilient solution
- Compact design requiring, in general, a smaller footprint
- Easy to use
Deskripsi Umum :
The AST Pro belies the power and versatility if this fully integrated modular system. AST Pro is based on the tried and tested technology of the AMPT Pro and its high performance servo-hydraulic labyrinth bearing actuator.
Now you can perform all the most common asphlt test standards in one high performance, compact, modular, easy-to use machine.
AST Pro allows to perform a wide range of tests, including the ones compatible qith AMPT Pro (permanent deformation, cyclic compression, indirect tensile stiffness, indirect tensile fatigue, crack propagation, direct tension-compression, dynamic/complex modulus) plus triaxial compression, four-point and two-point stiffness and fatigue flexural tests.
The Modular Servo Hydraulic Asphalt Tester – AST Pro can be used as part of your Superpave performance basedtesting program.
Spesifikasi Teknis :
- Load capacity: Static 19 kN, Dynamic 17 kN
- Frequency range: 0.01 to 70 Hz sinusoidal loading
- Actuator stroke: 30 mm (+/- 15 mm stroke)
- Actuator type: labirinth bearing
- Specimen size (dia x H): 100 x 150 nominally, 50 x 135, 38/50 x 110 mm
- Noise level less than 70 db at 2m
- Computer control: integrated all-in-one touch screen PC (optional)
- Air compressor and dryer: low noise, integrated, automated operated-on-demand (optional)
- Dimensions (H x W x D): 1630 x 1350 x 830 mm with environmental chamber
- Weight:: 325 kg (including oil)
- Easy interchangeable load cells
* At temperature probe positioned close to the specimen
- Load cell: low profile pancake type
- Built-in actuator LVDT: 30 mm stroke
- Plug-and-Play: up to 8 channels
- Power without air compressor: 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase, 9 A; 110 V, 60 Hz, single phase, 18 A
- Power with air compressor: 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase, 11 A; 110 V, 60 Hz, single phase, 22 A
- Air: Clean dry air at 450-800 kPa; 2 L/sec (optional integrated air compressor available)
- Hydraulic oli: pre-filled with high specification pre-filtered, ISO 46 Premium Mineral Oil
Ordering Info :
AST Pro, modular servo hydraulic asphalt tester, complete with 19 kN static/17 kN dynamic labyrinth actuator, 20 kN load cell, 30 mm actuator LVDT and IMACS.
208-230 V, 50-60 Hz, 1 ph
Accessories :
Environmental chambers for AsphaltQube and AST Pro
Standard range
Standard environmental chamber, +2 to +60° C.
– Temperature Range: +2°C to +60°C(1)
– Temperature Accuracy: +/-0.5°C(2)
– Dimensions: 690 x 830 x 690 mm (H x W x D)
Extended range
Extended range environmental chamber, -10 to +60° C.
– Temperature Range -10°C to +60°C(1)
– Temperature Accuracy: +/-0.5°C(2)
– Dimensions: 690 x 830 x 720 mm (H x W x D)
– Granting full conformity to NCHRP 9-29 (all temperatures including 4°C are restored in less than 5′ after sample setup)
– Requiring the connection to a suitable cooling unit (see below)
– Including integrated water cooling unit (cooling power 700 W)
(1) At an ambient temperature of +23°C
(2) With temperature probe positioned close to the specimen
Reaction frame
Reaction frame kit
All-in-one touch screen PC
Integrated compressor assembly, max air flow 137 l/min, 8 Bar cap., 5 litres tank, with air dryer with molecular server.
For machines at 50Hz
Integrated compressor assembly, max air flow 137 l/min, 8 Bar cap., 5 litres tank, with air dryer with molecular server.
For machines at 60Hz
Price : Call For Info
Hp. 0811 188 6845;
– 0818 0816 0634(WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com;
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