Starflow Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument
Alat uji slump test
14/08/2017Aksesoris Untuk Mesin uji Tekan
Brand/Supplied From : Controls – Italia
Standard : ASTM C109(setara dengan SNI 03-6825-2002), ASTM C349, EN 196
Deskripsi Umum :
Mesin Uji Tekan Beton atau semen yang kami supplai mempunyai jarak ruang vertikal yang cukup tinggi, desain tersebut mempunyai keuntungan bagi pengguna untuk melakukan percobaan tekan lainnya dengan standard yang bervariasi seperti uji tekan pada sampel Silinder maupun kubus, lalu dapat juga melakukan uji Belah pada sampel silinder, flexure (lentur) pada balok beton, atau juga uji Mortar pada berbagai macam sampel.
Pada Halaman ini, kami deskripsikan aksesoris yang dapat melakukan bervariasi uji tersebut, biasanya pada saat klien membeli mesin uji tekan beton, kami masukan item aksesoris untuk uji tekan silinder dan kubus, sisanya dapat langsung dilihat atau menghubungi kami sesuai kebutuhan yang diinginkan.
aksesoris tersebut antara lain :
- Distance pieces to adjust the vertical daylight :
Distance piece dia. 200×30 mm. Weight 7,3 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×30 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 7,3 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×50 mm. Weight 12,3 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×50 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 12,3 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×68 mm. Weight 16,7 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×68 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 16,7 kg
Distance piece dia. 96×158 mm. Weight 9 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×100 mm. Weight 25 kg
Distance piece dia. 200×100 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 25 kg
Distance piece dia. 96x130mm. Weight 8 kg
Distance pieces for cement compression testers
Distance piece dia. 165×20 mm. Weight 3,2 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×30 mm. Weight 4,7 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×30 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 4,7 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×40 mm. Weight 6,4 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×40 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 6,4 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×68 mm. Weight 10,5 kg
Distance piece dia. 165×68 mm with threaded centering pin. Weight 10,5 kg
* to be order along with item 50-Q0050/P6
** to be order along with item 50-L1000/P
2. Splitting tensile test devices
Standard : EN 1338, EN 12390-6, ASTM C496
Two column steel frame with self-centering base specimen holder and upper load beam suspended with springs for easy adjustment of the specimen. The devices can be easily placed on lower platen of the compression tester using suitable distance pieces to adjust the vertical daylight. The device have to be completed with the packing strips to be inserted between the specimen and the load beams.
Model 50-C9000/B is used for splitting tensile tests on cylindrical specimens.
Model 50-C9070/B is used for splitting tensile tests on concrete block pavers and concrete cubes.
For both models max total height is 370 mm (14.6″). The 370 mm (14.6″) vertical daylight can easily obtained removing the lower platen of the compression tester.
- Max vertical daylight: 210 mm (8.3″). Total height: 370 mm (14.6″)
- Min vertical daylight: 90 mm (3.5″). Total height: 250 mm (9.8″)
- Max horizontal daylight: 160 mm (6.3″)
- Total width: 255 mm (10″)
- Max travel: 45 mm (1.8″)
- Bearers length : 350 mm (13.8″)
Technical Specifications
Model 50-C9000/C 50-C9000/A 50-C9070/C 50-C9070/A Specimens Cylinders up to dia.
160×320 mmCylinders up to dia.
250×500 mmPaving blocks up to
160 mm widthPaving blocks up to
320 mm widthMax. height* 370 mm 395 mm 370 mm 370 mm Overall dimensions, width/length, mm 250/335 346/525 250/335 420/355 Max vertical daylight, mm 225 257 225 225 Max columns regulation, mm 110 N.A 110 110 Min vertical daylight, mm 115 N.A 65** 65** Max horizonthal daylight, mm 170 255 170 330 Bearers length, mm 330 525 330 330 Weight approx. kg 32 65 33 50 Packing strips 50-C9002 to EN
50-C9002/A to ASTM50-C9001/A 50-C9002 50-C9002 * Remove the bottom compression platen to host the jig or adjust remaining vertical daylight with suitable distance pieces.
ordering info :
Splitting tensile test device for cylinders up to dia. 160×320 mm (6.3″x12.6″). Conforming to EN 12390-6 and ASTM C496
Splitting tensile test device for cylinders dia. 250×500 mm (9.8″x19.7″). Conforming to EN 12390-6
Splitting tensile test device for concrete block pavers and concrete cubes. Conforming to EN 1338 and EN 12390-6
3. Flexural test device for concrete beams
Standard : EN 12390-5, ASTM C78, ASTM C293(Setara dengan SNI 03-2823-1992), AASHTO T97
Double upper bearer for third point test and center. Total height: 370 mm when adjusted for 150 mm beams and 320 mm for 100 mm beams. The 370 mm vertical daylight can easily obtained removing the lower platen of the compression tester.
- Max vertical daylight: 160mm (total height:370mm)
- Min vertical daylight: 110mm (total height:320mm)
- Max travel: 45mm
- Rollers: dia.26mm x 160mm
- Distance between upper rollers: 100mm or 150mm
- Distance between lower rollers: 300mm or 450mm
Weight approx.: 33 kg
Total width: 260mm
Ordering Information :
Flexural test device for concrete beams 100x100x400/500 and 150x150x600/750 mm
4. Compression devices for cement and mortars – Metode pengujian kekuatan tekan mortar semen portland untuk pekerjaan sipil
Robust frame fitted with an upper platen with spherical seat that moves vertically sustained by a spring. The apparatus can be placed and centered directly on the lower machine platen. The 50-C9030 and 50-C9032/H, conforming to EN 196 are designed to test portions of 40x40x160 prisms broken in flexure, while the 50-C9032, conforming to ASTM C109, fitted with compression platens 75 mm dia., and a vertical daylight of 53 mm is used to test 50mm/2” cubes and other little samples as, for example, microcores.
The total height of both 50-C9030 and 50-C9032 apparatus is 195 mm while it’s 225mm for model 50-C9030/H and 50-C9032/H.
Vertical clearance of the compression machine has to be adjusted using suitable distance pieces accordingly. See accessories
Weight approx.: 8 kg
Ordering Information :
50-C9030 Compression device to test portions of 40x40x160 prisms broken in flexure to EN 196-.
Total height 195mm.
50-C9030/H Compression device to test portions of 40x40x160 prisms broken in flexure to EN 196-1. High stiffness model.
Total height 225mm.
50-C9032 Compression device to test 50 mm and 2” mortar cubes to ASTM C109
Total height 195mm.
50-C9032/H Compression device to test 50mm (2″) cubes to ASTM C109. High stiffness model.
Total height 225mm.
50-C0050/HRD5 Supply of 50-C9030 compression device with traceable certificate of platen hardness.
Price/Info : Yudhistira, ST
Hp. 0811 188 6845; 0818 0816 0634 (WA)
Email : naysite2@gmail.com
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